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发布日期:2024-05-27   来源:   点击量:


首先,陈舒彦老师分享了题为Appropriateness as an aspect of lexical richness: What do quantitative measures tell us about children’s writing?的文章。该文章认为语域适当性的测量可作为研究L1L2写作发展定量测量工具的有效补充,并得出结论,在科学和英语写作中,学术词汇的发展回应了所述学科中显著不同的交际需求,这表明儿童学术词汇的发展不应被视为一个单一连贯的过程。

Durrant, P., & Durrant, A. (2022). Appropriateness as an aspect of lexical richness: What do quantitative measures tell us about children’s writing? Assessing Writing, 51, 100596. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2021.100596

张维老师分享的文章题为Exploring the relationship between L2 vocabulary size and academic speaking。该文章探索了第二语言词汇量和学术口语之间的关系,结果表明学术英语词汇量测试AVST)可作为预测L2学习者学术口语的一种有效手段。

Wang-Taylor, Y., & Clenton, J. (2022). Exploring the relationship between L2 vocabulary size and academic speaking. System, 107, 102822. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2022.102822


最后,汪艳老师分享的文章为Lexical characteristics of young L2 English learners’ narrative writing at the start of formal instruction。该研究表明,在教学初期,低年级英语学习者之间存在着巨大的个体差异,词汇特征如字数、 拼写错误数量、英语语料库中的单词数量、词汇多样性以及其他因素如频率、形象性、习得年龄可以预测学习者分数,这证实了词汇知识在第二语言英语学习早期阶段对写作的重要性。

De Wilde, V. (2023). Lexical characteristics of young L2 English learners’ narrative writing at the start of formal instruction. Journal of Second Language Writing, 59, 100960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2022.100960


(大学外语部 杨祖丽 供稿 张婷 审核)