Andy Krieger是好莱坞著名的口音纠正大师。他所独创的Krieger教学法,曾经成功帮助成龙、章子怡、李冰冰等母语非英语演员克服口音障碍,进军国际影坛。如今,他又带着他的口音纠正课程来到中国,帮助千万渴望克服口音,说出地道美语的学生实现他们的梦想。
The K Method-- Five Steps
Step1: Speak slowly(in the beginning)in order to give yourself time to...Put your tongue and lips in one of 9 ALPHABET POSITIONS
Step2: All the letters of the alphabet are divided into 9 groups. All you have to do is memorize these groups(fun&easy to do)
Step3: Involves an exchange of air USING YOUR HAND to help you
Step4: Also involves the exchanging of air. Again your hand is invovled in this process.
Step5: Each word you say has an elongated vowel.