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业务讲座:Technology in the Classroom

发布日期:2015-12-04   来源:基础部   点击量:

2015年12月4日,应英语教研室邀请,美国国务院(U.S. Department of State)英语语言项目志愿者老师Ms. LaTasha Simms到我校B201开展了题为Technology in the Classroom的工作坊。基础部副部长向晓华教授、外语系王庆教授及全体大学英语教研室专职教师参加了此次培训。

Ms. LaTasha Simms以自己对EFL学生学习风格、交际策略、文化差异的行动研究案例开始,对比分析individualism和collectivism两种文化价值观下的学习者行为。随后,以社会建构主义理论和游戏理论为依据,讲解并示范了一些列不同类别的课堂游戏在英语教学中的应用。


Report in English Language:

Jincheng College of Sichuan University

December 4

English language fellow, LaTasha Simms, was received warmly by the TEFL department of The Jincheng College of Sichuan University. LaTasha, a full time lecturer at Sichuan Normal University, was selected for the much sought after opportunity of being an English language fellow in August 2015. Simms, lectured on various techniques to encourage discourse in the English as a Second Language classes. A discussion on individualism was used to exhibit the power of “Talk moves” to facilitate classroom discussion techniques. Teachers were also introduced to “game theory” application in the classroom. Volunteers were able to participate in demonstrations that showcased the effectiveness of practical games in the classroom.

We appreciate LaTasha’s dedication to the language training program outside US, which will surely promote understandings between different cultures.” --TEFL@SUJC